As such our members can be considered "experts" on all aspects of prison and on living a criminal or gang lifestyle prior to incarceration. All members are successful off parole and are living productive lifestyles.
Other members of Y.E.A.G.A. bring additional resources for juvenile issues
(i.e.: Alcoholic's Anonymous /Narcotic's Anonymous,
and the Inside Circle Men's Support Group.)
The program will educate the juveniles on the negativity of a lifestyle which can lead to incarceration. Using the members as living examples of what can happen along the path of anti- social behavior. We attempt to convince juveniles that a life of crime is non productive and has long term consequences.
We explore the present day to day challenges each juvenile faces. We guide the juvenile to look at his/ her life and help them identify solutions to critical issues in their lives.
The program offers an immeasurable learning experience for the juvenile. The juvenile receives first hand knowledge from the members of Y.E.A.G.A., instead of experiencing incarceration themselves.
Our secondary approach, usually a 90minute presentation is designed to reach a large audience. The presentation attempts to shed light on the pitfalls and consequences of anti-social and criminal behavior, using speakers who are members of Y.E.A.G.A.
We stress the following:
1. The importance of communication with family, peers, school, community and others in a positive self-motivating way.
2. Taking responsibilty for one's own actions and life.
3. Goal setting techniques which can ultimately lead to living a positive productive lifestyle.
Y.E.AG.A will follow up with each juvenile to not only gather statistics but to consistently stress the issues which were discussed in the
"rap sessions." The messages from the follow up is "we are not giving up on you because you matter." The message is simple but profound.
For many youth the feeling that society has given up on them is real and it becomes evident by their actions. Y.E.A.G.A attempts to provide these youth with a connection to those who have "walked" in their shoes. All the while, allowing Y.E.A.G.A. members to continue to give back to society in a positive manner.
Paul Brar
Executive Director
Margaret Bravo
(916) 532-0696